User Statistics is based only on visitors identifiable on three levels: through IP, cookies and personal data association.
First identification level:
through IP
You can track in real time
For assigned static IPs:
to which Company, Institution or Country the visitor belongs .
For dynamic IPs:
which provider is used - e.g. ADSL, duplex phone cable, fibre optic,
Carrier used: e.g. Tiscali, Telecom, Libero Infostrada,
Second level of identification: done with cookies.
Within a particular company network or carrier, a particular web user can be identified by information that the operator can then memorise in its personal user data.
Third level of identification:
done with Personal Data
You will be able to assign to a specific computer a visitor's personal data (assign cookie / personal user data). You will then be able to identify each user with whom contact has been made during any visit to your website (e.g.:
during a chat, following a purchase, registration to your website, or a simple phone call).
You will be able to find out exactly:
WHO has visited your website on a particular day/time
attracted most interest
To the number of daily contacts, typical of traditional statistics, SV User Statistics adds the complete list of visitors identified by their personal data.
You will therefore be able to target your products with one-to-onemarketing techniques.