Milan, Wednesday 26 May 2010.
WebInTourism 2010 is the most important event and meeting for professionals and consultants in the web tourism field;
SitoVivo can't miss this importante date and it participated through his partner specialized in web tourism, Bizcomit Sas di Roberto Caporale.
1) Email and Direct Marketing: best practice;
2) Facebook, Twitter and Social Media Marketing for the web tourism;
3) Online reputation;
4) Copywriting and sales increase.

<<I am glad to participate to this event through my partner, friend and precious colleague Roberto Caporale, general manager of Bizcomit Sas.>>,
said l'Ing. Fabio Pagano, Ceo & Product Manager di SitoVivo Srl.
During the meeting Bizcomit Sas showed the recent integration among the web marketing Suite SitoVivo and Hotelnet and BookingPoint Tours. The product of this marriage is the SitoVivo Suite e-tourism, the complete software for the online booking and data collecting management.
«We need to use a lot of tools in order to reach the goal in a field so competitive like the web tourism.
These instruments have to be integrated each other: SitoVivo adds value to the market standard and makes the difference.
It is also important to mix the different capabilities, and technological competences. With this aim SitoVivo every year organises meeting and moments of exchanges of ideas among
partners and customer>>, said Roberto Caporale,
General Manager di Bizcomit Sas.
